If you have chosen to manifest love or healthy relationships in some way throughout this process then as well as the Solar Plexus, it will be important for you to also explore your Heart Chakra.
The Heart Chakra sits in the centre of our chests, acting as a bridge between the upper and lower energy centres. It governs our relationships, our ability to connect to others, and our emotional intelligence.
The condition of our Heart Chakra determines how much empathy, love, and understanding we feel towards ourselves and others. As a result the state of our relationships reveals a great deal about the condition of this energy centre. It governs not just romantic love but the love between family, friends, strangers, and all living things. It is believed that the stronger the Heart Chakra the more love, compassion, and empathy a person can feel and therefore the more gratitude and joy they will experience.
You may have some blocks or limiting beliefs regarding love from your past, whether or were directly involved or not. So often we are given many "ideas" of what love is, but they aren't always healthy. This can be through our caregivers, how we ourselves are treated, and even places like television, books or films. It will be worth spending some time unpacking some of this in order to gain a deeper understanding into why this area may have some blocks, or wounds, attached to it. Have a read through these questions to see whether you have some additional Heart Chakra work to do throughout this manifestation:
Have I ever experienced what could be considered a difficult relationship?
What early example(s) did I have to form my ideas of what love is?
What usually impacts my close relationships?
How has love been demonstrated throughout my life?
When was the first time I struggled with self-
How often am I told, or shown, that I am loved?
Ways to balance the Heart Chakra
Positive affirmations: give yourself at least three self-love based affirmations to repeat every day, doing so whilst looking at yourself in the mirror. Examples could be: "I am open to giving and receiving love," "I am worthy of love and happiness," or "I forgive myself and others with compassion." This can feel silly or intimidating to do, but looking at yourself and telling yourself that you are loved and worthy can be a very powerful activity.
Self-care time: make yourself a self-care budget, it doesn't matter if it isn’t a lot - it can be anything from your favourite cake, a cinema trip or a massage appointment. In fact your budget may be more about setting aside time than money. But start taking regular time to dedicate to yourself, letting go of any guilt that may come with it. Cultivate a loving and accepting relationship with yourself, and use this time to practise self-love and compassion.
Practice gratitude: regularly express appreciation for the blessings in your life. Focus on the positive aspects, and the love and support you receive from others.
Engage in heart-opening activities: this can be done through practicing Yoga poses like Camel Pose (Ustrasana) or Bridge Pose (Setu Bandhasana), journaling about your emotions, or engaging in creative expression to channel your emotions in a healthier way. This allows you to feel and express your emotions through creating a safe space for emotional release, which can also be done through talking to a trusted loved one.
Practice forgiveness: Let go of grudges and resentments that may be blocking the flow of love and compassion. Practice forgiveness towards yourself and others, understanding that it is a process that takes time. It is also something that is for YOU and not the other person. You aren't dismissing that it happened, how it impacted you, or letting them off the hook! You are working towards an acceptance so that you are not held in the past, so that they person or situation no longer has power over you.
Connect with nature: especially in green spaces. Allow yourself to appreciate the beauty around you, and feel a sense of connection with the natural world. Perhaps to add to this you could give something back, such as cleaning up litter or building a bird house.
Cultivate loving-kindness: practice the loving-kindness meditation, also known as Metta meditation. Send loving and compassionate thoughts to yourself, loved ones, acquaintances, and even to difficult people or situations. You may want to say something such as: May I / you be happy. May I/ you be healthy. May I/ you live with ease. May I / you be free from suffering. May I / you be free from judgement. May I / you be free from ill-will.
Engage in acts of kindness: perform loving acts towards others, whether it's through volunteering, helping a friend in need, or simply practicing random acts of kindness. These promote a sense of connection and empathy.
Protect your Empath gift: if you identify as being an Empath, it is very important to start understanding this gift on a deeper level and protecting your Heart space from being drained. You can learn more about this, how to use your gift and to protect yourself energetically in our workshop "Guidance for Empaths." This also means surrounding yourself with loving energy, such as spending time with people who uplift and inspire you or other positive and loving influences that support your emotional well-being.

Oh golly. I have some heart searching to do. Some of this content has brought me to tears as I recognise myself in it and I am questioning the perceived truths in some of my relationships. Thank you. I needed this one xx