Music is one of the most powerful tools you can use to create new belief systems and manifest your desires. Have you ever used music to cheer you up, motivate you, bring back a memory, or help you exercise? Then you will know that music has the power to alter your levels of energy. It helps you to intensify emotions so it can help you amplify feelings of gratitude that will bring more things to be grateful for into your life. Scientific researchers in America have identified that certain neural pathways in the brain react pretty much exclusively to the sound of any type of music. When music is played, a distinct set of neurons will fire in response. These neurons are only related to music, and won’t move with any other type of noise.
Scientists used to think that it was only classical music that used to improve the function of the brain, but now it has been shown that any type of music can help to improve the function of the brain, improve health, and even store new memories. By listening to specific frequencies of music, we alter the state of energy around us in a very real and physical sense. These frequencies align with certain emotions and vibrations when we feel certain ways, so the emotion of abundance, love and gratitude will all be enhanced by listening to music being played at those frequencies. You can listen to this music throughout the day, at the end of the day, whilst doing manifestation work, or just going about your day-to-day life. The power is subtle and energetic in level, so you can be sending out the signals to the Universe that you are ready for your manifestation to be brought into your life.
We've included healing frequency music for each type of manifestation, which you should find on the main course page.
Love the power music has over our emotions and therefore our well being generally, and also that specific emotions have frequencies, like sound, and everything on our earth plane. All connected as one.