If it's financial abundance you are wanting to manifest, you can use either of the digital cheques (checks) below - either fill it in on your computer, or print them out first. Both of the examples below come with basic instructions when you download them.
These are blank cheques from the Universe - many often sign them with something like: “The Universe,” “Universal Bank,” or ” Law of Abundance.” You may also want to write what they are for on the back. Imagine that you already have this money and put your imagination to work by using all of your senses. How would you feel receiving this money? Feel abundant and radiate that feeling out into the Universe, allowing yourself to become a magnet and attract whatever you are focused on.
By using these cheques you align with your intention, and send a message to both the Universe and your subconscious mind that you are open and receptive to positive financial abundance. If you fully expect something to happen without a doubt then the Universe has to give it to you.
Be sure to know and understand your goals and all the things you will do with your (large) amount of money. The key is to be creative, and use it to make you feel good. You should look at the cheque with joy and excitement after all, manifestation methods work best when you're having fun. If you have a vision board or manifestation journal, you can add your cheque there if you wish.

I love these check/cheques. I have come to understand the magic of manifesting made real. A fabulous course. I’ve learnt so much and feel empowered to manifest more into my life xx