Use those "negative" emotions - they help you see what you DON'T want, and therefore help you decide what you DO want. Dissatisfaction doesn't have to be a bad thing, it can be a tool used to open doors towards a more fulfilling life. Make a declaration of what it is that you want to manifest - whether out loud, or writing it down. This can be reiterated through repeating positive affirmations every day, over a period of at least two months, or techniques such as scripting.
The Universe always says YES! and sends us what we ask for immediately . . . in vibrational form. There is no such thing as a "big" or "small" manifestation to the Universe, it is only us who sees it that way. Notice as well that I didn't say it sends us what we ask for in a positive way - so this can work the other way too. Be mindful of your words and thoughts, and try to counteract those considered more negative with something more positive if possible.
This may just well be the hardest part of the process! To receive what we have asked for we need to be in alignment with the correct vibration. So looking back at step two the Universe has sent us what we want in vibrational form, then we need to get into that correct vibration. This is through energy, emotion, action and release. This can be done through practical steps as you work towards your goal, everyday actions that give you the same feeling as you would receive from your manifestation, purging yourself to make room, or listening to frequency music that brings your energy body into the right vibration depending on what you're manifesting.
Because it takes a lot of patience, perserverance, trust, belief and self-worth. KNOWING it is coming, BELIEVING it is already yours, TRUSTING that it is waiting there for you - and staying the course. Not giving up and returning to step one can be difficult, because we can be filled with doubt or self sabotage ourselves into thinking that something isn't for us. It may also involve some sort of transformation, and we can sometimes resist that no matter how much we think we want something. It's likely you will need to start acting, thinking, or being different - or you are unlikely to succeed.
Being able to master and understand the process, knowing that the contrast of times when we aren't happy are neccessary in order to help us get to a place we want to be - without allowing it to define your life. Being able to receive all that you ask for with ease and flow, releasing doubt or the idea that is takes "work." That isn't to say it doesn't take action or effort to get what you want sometimes, but it comes with the knowledge and belief that things will fall into place because it is already yours. You just have to step into it.